Central Park Wedding Anniversary (Janny and Tim)

Wedding anniversary in Central Park.

Janny and Tim came to New York City to celebrate their wedding anniversary in Central Park, one of the most beautiful and popular places in the city. They asked me for a photo shoot in wedding dress and I could not refuse! Janny was amazing as that life-changing day. Tim also looked like James Bond or Mr. Smith in his wedding tuxedo. There are lots of charming springtime locations for shooting in Central Park, so photos of Janny and Tim are varied and spectacular. I am proud of them because it was first time shooting for them but they did not show their worries on photos. Moreover, Janny was very anxietied and sure that she was not photogenic. But she changed her mind after our shooting. I tried my best hard so she enjoyed it.

When we were coming back they told me a funny story of their unique marriage ceremony connected with the “photos fear” origin. There were lots of children at their wedding. Smartly dressed boys and girls. They let two of them carry the long veil of the wedding dress of Janny. When the groom and the bride entered the hall for the registration ceremony, Janny suddenly felt that she could not go forward: there was some kind of huge weight bearing down on her. It seems the two boys they had assigned the special task to had grabbed hold of her veil (along with a third boy) and decided to pull her in the opposite direction to where Janny needed to go. There were a few more children waiting in line to also have a go once they had finished their “ride.” She instinctively tried to push forward, but the little angels’ combined strength meant Janny ended up slipping and falling flat on her back.


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