City Hall Wedding + Central Park (Brad and Rachel)

Brad and Rachel, the couple from Israel, got married in City hall and after went Central Park for a photo shoot.

Brad proposed to Rachel in the bathroom, upholding a long family tradition. It is funny, but three generations of Brad`s ancestors proposed in the bathroom anyway. Then he filled a favorite room in their home with photo memories from their relationship of three years of dating. Brad hanged them from balloons and covered the walls with them for a jaw-dropping surprise after pleasure proposal in bathroom. After saying, he wasn’t feeling well (so she wouldn’t suspect anything), Brad called for Rachel to bring the plunger. He pulled her in, started reading a poem written inside of a photo book he made and proposed. After staring into the sparkle of the ring, he told Rachel there was another surprise and opened the door to reveal their families who had flown in to celebrate!

Brad and Rachel were first in the line outside of city hall to get married, to make sure they have some morning light to continue photo shoot in central park. In Central Park we went to Bethesda terrace and Bowbridge. They were like holy miracle sank in the morning light. Bethesda Terrace and Fountain are two architectural features overlooking The Lake in New York City’s Central Park. The fountain, with its Angel of the Waters statue, is located in the center of the terrace. Brad and Rachel looked as if they borrowed the images from angels for a while.

Another popular location for lovers is Bow Bridge. It is one my favorite locations, because I had seen and caught lots of lovely smiles after surprising marriage proposals on Bow Bridge. This place is associated for me with love and success. Brad and Rachel were no exception and I wish them to still have many of funny traditions of happy common life.


[ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[1]


[ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[2] [ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[9] [ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[9] L51A1331 [ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[4] [ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[5] [ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[8] [ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[6] [ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[7] L51A1193 [ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[10] [ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[11] [ City Hall Wedding + Central Park ]– photo[12]
