Bow Bridge Wedding Proposal (A Special Place)

It was a summer day when their married life started. Even a light rain created charming atmosphere. Central park is a special place not only for masterpiece nature but also because of our first meeting here. That day I read a book sitting on one of the benches and was very cold. I was literally cowardly from the cold. Suddenly Paul came up to me and threw his coat over me. The aroma of his perfume immediately fascinated me, and from his kind gesture I was speechless. So, we met and every next Sunday we have spent together till their relationships started. We purchased a home in a year and one day when I came back from my office he called me and offered to meet in their usual place – at Bow Bridge in Central park. Paul was late and I was already getting nervous. Suddenly, out of nowhere, his dog appeared dressed in tuxedo, with a piece of paper on his collar. He ran to me and waited for me to do something. I opened the envelope with a note, where there was a declaration of love Paul.

I thought it was a joke, but suddenly Paul came up. He was not alone, but with their moms. Among all of the presents in a big box I have found a special one. My adoptive mother wrote a special letter, when me was only 18 months old, and saved it for 20 years to give it to me on my wedding day. More than 20 years later, I was finally able to read the words that she had written. The mother of the bride even printed it onto a piece of her own wedding dress as a special present for me and my husband. He took my hand and pulled out a ring. I laughed, hugged him and never let go. I believe fate had a hand in us both being in the “right” place at the right time.


[ Bow Bridge Wedding Proposal ]– photo[1]



[ Bow Bridge Wedding Proposal ]– photo[2] [ Bow Bridge Wedding Proposal ]– photo[3] [ Bow Bridge Wedding Proposal ]– photo[4] L51A8603 [ Bow Bridge Wedding Proposal ]– photo[5] [ Bow Bridge Wedding Proposal ]– photo[6]
